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What is an Asbestos Survey?

Asbestos Surveys are inspections that focus on identifying Suspect Asbestos Containing Materials.  Licensed Asbestos Inspectors collect an appropriate number of samples for analysis by Polarized Light Microscopy.  Unless a licensed inspector collects samples for analysis, most building components (sheetrock, joint compound, plaster, flooring, roofing, etc) must be considered to be a Presumed Asbestos Containing Material.  Once a survey is complete and laboratory analysis has been performed, a report is generated identifying which of the assessed materials have been determined to Asbestos Containing Materials and which are Non-Asbestos Containing Materials.

Who needs a survey?

Federal Regulations require schools to be inspected for the presence of asbestos every three years.  Also, Federal Regulations require that any public building, commercial building, and most multiple unit residential buildings be inspected for the presence of asbestos before ANY demolition or renovation project.  Most single family homes are exempt from this requirement.  However, if you do not have building materials tested, you must PRESUME that they contain asbestos.

Whether you are a homeowner concerned with the funny looking insulation in the attic or a contractor planning to demolish several large buildings, Superior Industries is your best choice.  We are unique in our abilities and qualifications:


  • Multiple Licensed Inspectors

  • Decades of Experience

  • State Licensed Laboratory on Site

  • Low Fixed Fee for Sample Collection and Report Preparation.

  • Low cost for Analyzed Samples

  • No Extra or Hidden Costs

  • Hard Capped Fees for Projects can be provided.

  • Expedited turn-around for no additional cost.


Please contact us for more information, to schedule a survey, or for a custom quote:

Can I do my own survey?

State of Connecticut Regulations require that people that collect samples as part of an asbestos survey have a License.  This ensures that they correct materials and the proper number of samples are collected to accurately identify the ACM and non-ACM for each survey.  Further, Asbestos Inspectors are professionals and have the ability to collect samples without unnecessarily potentially exposing themselves and others to asbestos during the process.  There is no law saying you can not collect and submit samples for your own use.  However, the results can not be relied upon in developing and accurate survey.

Superior Industries Surveys
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